
Doja cat, also known as Amala in the way she's named in America, is a record producer and singer. Her music is a blend of electronic R&B, hip-hop and R&B. Young and passionate, at a tender age, she started exploring a path to become an artist. When she was 18 she debuted her debut EP, Purrr! No Police Mooo, Roll with Us and No Police Mooo were among her singles released in response to positive feedback. and Roll with Us. Doja cat was named her stage name by referring to the word "dojo" which means marijuana, as well as her affection for cats. The singer and songwriter is extremely talented. She has a creative family. She is the daughter a painter, and dad who is an actor as well as film maker. In the present, Doja has emerged as one of the most adored emerging artists in the USA. Doja has an impressive voice, as well as incredible musical skills. This will help her to establish a strong reputation in the industry of music. This singer is an example to many of the young professionals in this industry.

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